Current Situation

The current situation of the real estate market is very difficult and poses numerous challenges, such as:

– The building of apartments for investment and retirement savings purposes – as required by citizens, the state and its institutions;
– Extremely high land prices, which in turn push up the cost of owned and rented residential real estate.;
– Land-use planning and building regulations – In the Zurich, Geneva and Lausanne regions, real estate is over-valued due to the shortage of land.
– The Increasing space requirements of buildings – which influence the use of liveable areas.
– Modifications to buildings are associated with high costs and the need for technical adjustments, often made even harder by unexpected difficulties – making the whole process longer and more susceptible to defects.

Small and mid-sized companies are under heavy pressure nowadays, as they are reliant on regional/cantonal jobs and must master all the factors involved in today’s greatly complex market.
And the construction paradigm of today presents very few solutions that allow flexible adjustments regarding family, career, or economic changes.

Sustainable construction!
Use of Clean energy (with the lowest possible environmental impact)!
Factoring Grey Energy as a real part of a project impact!
Higher energy efficiency and reduced energy use!
High-density building developments!

There is no doubt that we need a concept for alternative construction that can also manage the question of apartment building for investment.


• Affordable housing;

• Sustainable ecological solutions;

• Flexible use options to adjust to constantly changing private, career and economic situations;

• Promotion of regional and domestic small and mid-sized businesses;

• New solutions for investors, financing, affordability and sustainability;

Pension funds and life insurers manage the money entrusted to them by investing in secure, long-term assets in the real estate sector. They face many challenges. Low interest rates are compounded by the negative rates of the Swiss National Bank, which presents a major challenge when it comes to achieving the required target yield.

The Raise of life expectancy means that we need new strategies and ways to create the necessary compensatory mechanisms. This will allow us to adjust the target return and ensure inter-generational justice, so that citizens can also receive an economically adapted return in the future.

According to pension fund studies, domestic bond investments have fallen; and ownership of foreign shares, which promise higher returns, are growing. However, the question of security remains open, since the development of the current world economy is so hard to judge.
Basic questions about the weighting of social security (the AHV) and occupational pensions, also need to be answered.
Pension funds’ top management, as well as politicians, need to step up with answers.
Finally, it is the individual citizen who insures the risk. However, he or she is bound into a complex network of actions and resulting but invisible reactions, over which he or she has no direct influence.

Indeed, our retirement savings system, through which citizens’ money circulates, is extremely complex.


• Guarantee retirement savings

• Support prosperity in old age

• A secure alternative investment

• Create own area of action

Current situation

The current situation of the real estate market is very difficult and poses numerous challenges, such as:

– The building of apartments for investment and retirement savings purposes – as required by citizens, the state and its institutions;
– Extremely high land prices, which in turn push up the cost of owned and rented residential real estate.;
– Land-use planning and building regulations – In the Zurich, Geneva and Lausanne regions, real estate is over-valued due to the shortage of land.
– The Increasing space requirements of buildings – which influence the use of liveable areas.
– Modifications to buildings are associated with high costs and the need for technical adjustments, often made even harder by unexpected difficulties – making the whole process longer and more susceptible to defects.

Small and mid-sized companies are under heavy pressure nowadays, as they are reliant on regional/cantonal jobs and must master all the factors involved in today’s greatly complex market.
And the construction paradigm of today presents very few solutions that allow flexible adjustments regarding family, career, or economic changes.

Sustainable construction!
Use of Clean energy (with the lowest possible environmental impact)!
Factoring Grey Energy as a real part of a project impact!
Higher energy efficiency and reduced energy use!
High-density building developments!

There is no doubt that we need a concept for alternative construction that can also manage the question of apartment building for investment.


• Affordable housing;

• Sustainable ecological solutions;

• Flexible use options to adjust to constantly changing private, career and economic situations;

• Promotion of regional and domestic small and mid-sized businesses;

• New solutions for investors, financing, affordability and sustainability;

Pension funds and life insurers manage the money entrusted to them by investing in secure, long-term assets in the real estate sector. They face many challenges. Low interest rates are compounded by the negative rates of the Swiss National Bank, which presents a major challenge when it comes to achieving the required target yield.

The Raise of life expectancy means that we need new strategies and ways to create the necessary compensatory mechanisms. This will allow us to adjust the target return and ensure inter-generational justice, so that citizens can also receive an economically adapted return in the future.

According to pension fund studies, domestic bond investments have fallen; and ownership of foreign shares, which promise higher returns, are growing. However, the question of security remains open, since the development of the current world economy is so hard to judge.
Basic questions about the weighting of social security (the AHV) and occupational pensions, also need to be answered.
Pension funds’ top management, as well as politicians, need to step up with answers.
Finally, it is the individual citizen who insures the risk. However, he or she is bond to a complex network of actions and resulting but invisible reactions, over which he or she has no direct influence.

Indeed, our retirement savings system, through which citizens’ money circulates, is extremely complex.


• Guarantee retirement savings

• Support prosperity in old age

• A secure alternative investment

• Create own area of action